This website is perpetually under construction and is a dynamic portal for my multiple interests!

These include, but are not limited to mindful self exploration, music (currently – the mountain dulcimer), photography, animals (horses in the distant past, currently owned by 2 cats), graphic arts, and some small town (Harrington, WA) community involvement.

Interests & Links
  • Music: Mountain (Appalachian) Dulcimer
    In July 2017, I attended Dulcimer Week in the Wallowas where I began my “Dulcimer Journey.” Since then I attended Dulcimer Week every year (except 2020) and have attended multiple online festivals, & workshops and participate in several dulcimer groups.
    I enjoy a wide variety of music: Folk, Show Tunes, Classical, and more!
  • Harrington Opera House Society
    Promotion volunteer including website management
  • Photography
    Scenic, animals, macro & more
  • Animals
    For many years horses were a central part of my life. 
    Now, I’m owned and managed by my cats, Dotty & Kynx.
  • Airstream
    I inherited an 18′ 1970 Vintage Caravel Airstream years ago which I’m still working on getting “roadworthy.”

